Meet Our Intern: Alex Amison-Collier!

GCCC is excited to welcome the newest member of our team, our summer intern Alexanderia (Alex) Amison-Collier! Alex is a rising senior within the Cleveland Heights-University Heights school district. She is spending the summer working with the GCCC team on community engagement efforts.  


Get to know Alex:

Q: Why did you apply to be an intern with GCCC?

  A: I found the internship through a poster in the hall of my school. I realized it was something I might want to do in my future career because I care about education and helping students have more of a voice in what happens in their education.

Q: What are you looking forward to most in your internship with GCCC?

A: I’m looking forward to helping the community with my community engagement project. I’m also excited to learn more about this field and build my professional network.

Q: Do you have any plans for after high school yet?

A: I’m planning to go to college to study neuroscience and/or something in the medical field.

We have already seen Alex’s curiosity and adept communication skills in action and look forward to working with her more over the summer!
— Annie Homan, Manager of In-School Curriculum

Q: Do you have any career plans yet? What do you hope to do?

A: I want to kick-start my career early in college by networking and exploring my options. I think I’d like to have a mental health focus. I’ve always been interested in mental health and the human body—I already know a lot about how we function and how parts of our brains work, but I want to take that knowledge to the next level.

Q: What do you like to do for fun? Do you have any hobbies?

A: I’ve recently gotten back into reading more. I also like playing games (I’m really good at Uno!), making art (painting and drawing), and doing crafts. In particular, I make jewelry including necklaces, bracelets, and earrings, and want to expand to make larger pieces.

Q: What’s your favorite place in Northeast Ohio? What’s your favorite thing to do here? 

A: I really like the Van Aken shopping district. I’ve met a lot of cool people over there—I like being around a diverse group of people and learning different perspectives than mine.

Q: Is there anything else we should know about you?

A: I’m creative at my core and I really like diving into scientific-based things, including facts, numbers, and definitions!  


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